The Heart, a Virgin and God

The Virgin of Guadalupe and God in her Womb

There is a HEART in a person when the person sees and recognizes the HEART in a person in the present reality of being FACE to FACE with them.  This image of the Virgin of Guadalupe came to the FACE of a BISHOP and at courses made known, there are people who will respond to the WORK of a person who voiced this REALITY to him even when HIS OWN FAITH as a SHEPHERD showed a false witness of action and conduct in belief from a simple ordinary messenger of the WOMAN who sent him.

Today, many Bishops bestow a serious personal effect in being a failed administrator of a diocese and this is at the disposition of losing the condition of being a Shepherd who knows and recognizes his sheep with a sober reality.  There have been difficult present realities of these men in Holy Garb becoming a serious act against the sobriety that comes with an ALERT and READY HEART of a MAN of GOD!

When this happens and occurs the VIRGIN is not protected by the DIVINE BRIDEGROOM who looks to these friends of the Bridegroom to care for His BRIDE, the CHURCH!

"Son, behold your mother."

At any point of reflection and examination, these men are alone and even more alone in the drunkenness of inappropriate misconduct on the persons of female beings who look to them as father as they wear a holy collar refusing to acknowledge the DIGNITY of FEMALE!

Mary, Virgin and Mother, in this image has eyes that show a reflection of many tears sown by the lack of care the BISHOP refused to recognize in the messenger she sent to offer a PEACE for the NATION!  When a BISHOP does not hear the voice of the DIVINE BRIDGROOM and loses HIS OWN GRASP of what FRIEND of the BRIDEGROOM envelopes we find ourselves seeking another SHEPHERD who will admonish the false friend who became the enemy to the WEDDING BANQUET OF THE LAMB!

As Christ saw HIS MOTHER'S request when there was no wine, WATER is the ONLY WAY TO come to the FULLNESS of what the WINE will bring in its REALITY!

And at this time, vinegar is all the BRIDEGROOM is receiving.

Meryl Viola Bravo ~
